05-17-2015, 09:23 PM
After putting on the wiper tournament for 8 of the 10 years it ran, I how how much effort it takes to get everything together and pull it off year after year but it sure helps when you have a few members that help with the different parts of making an event like this a success. How does that saying go, many hands make for light work[:/], or how ever it goes. Even with all the rain it turned out great IMO. The biggest issue with any event like this is having someone that is willing spearhead it and keep everyone on target and you are the right man for the job. I think at the new location you will see the event grow and more and more members will get involved. I thought I got to greet everyone that was there until you and John mentioned BLK, I must have missed him, sorry about that BLK. Good times and now that the sun is coming out again, maybe the fishing will be better this week[
