01-13-2004, 04:06 PM
Might be, I thought of that and other things(like a wandering dog). But to get to the car to leave, I had to walk around the back of the car and only about 5 or 6 feet from where the bunny met it's demise. Now, I am an avid hunter with eyes like a hawk(seriously) and I am always aware of my surroundings. I'm telling you, there was no rabbit behind that car when I got in. That hare showed up, on its own or with help, after I got into the car. That would mean that the prankster had to have waited outside, in the cold, at 7:30am, until I went out to my car. I don't know. I was definitely a prankster myself but this prank would have required too much dedication for me to carry out. Like I said, this whole incident was truly strange.