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My first lake trout
[quote wiperhunter2]That was why I worded it that way, not because I have eaten macks cooked on a BBQ but because some people like it on a BBQ, others don't. I did not care for it that way, likely the oils in the fish but I much prefer all trout and salmon smoked.[/quote]

I have found this to be the case when they get over 5-6 pounds or so, but the smaller macs grill up very nicely. I personally prefer the smaller macs anyway due to the increased mercury content in the bigger ones.

Messages In This Thread
My first lake trout - by _master_baiter_ - 07-30-2016, 11:45 PM
Re: [wiperhunter2] My first lake trout - by fish_hntr - 08-01-2016, 04:25 PM

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