10-24-2016, 04:20 PM
From the DWR regs.
•Linwood Bay, west of a line from the
easternmost point of the south shore
of Linwood Bay (mouth of canyon) to
easternmost point of the north shore of
Linwood Bay (Lucerne Point), CLOSED
to nighttime angling (sunset to sunrise)
from Oct. 15 through 6 a.m. on the
second Saturday of December.
•Linwood Bay, west of a line from the
easternmost point of the south shore
of Linwood Bay (mouth of canyon) to
easternmost point of the north shore of
Linwood Bay (Lucerne Point), CLOSED
to nighttime angling (sunset to sunrise)
from Oct. 15 through 6 a.m. on the
second Saturday of December.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.