09-22-2009, 07:06 PM
Hey everyone my name is Rob, im new to the forums and kind of to fishing, mean it is my hobby but i have been doing it for like 3 years. I mostly fish in the canals by my house here in Miami and i have caught Peacock Bass (pretty nice size ) and of course Crappie. Now i started fishing with Spinner Bait but just got one nip last Sat. The way that i ave always fished there has been with Bread (ok dont laugh, they do bite!) and with bare shinny hooks, thats how i have gotten Bass. Believe it or not they go for all types of all shinny fast moving things. So anyway, just wanted to know how i should reel in the SPinner Bait, like maybe it reel and pop it or just reel, or fast and slow, im not sure. I would appreciate the help []