04-18-2012, 06:14 PM
Hope u like to eat walleye eggs, you got 300,000 to 400,000 eggs in that beauty, how

Oneida Res.
04-18-2012, 06:14 PM
Hope u like to eat walleye eggs, you got 300,000 to 400,000 eggs in that beauty, how
![]() [signature]
04-18-2012, 06:38 PM
GOTTA love you UTAH fisherman..... REPLY SENT MAN.......
04-18-2012, 06:52 PM
I know I do...LOL
04-18-2012, 08:41 PM
What does the state have to do with it?
04-18-2012, 09:34 PM
Nothing personal bud. Just have read more post with ppl screaming @ fishermen for keeping LEGAL fish on Ut forum the any other.
04-18-2012, 09:56 PM
Here is a picture of a smallmouth I caught on saturday, u can see the color diff, both are very fun to catch, and I love the taste of the smallmouths. I had some walleye and smallmouth for dinner last night and it was a toss up which was better.
[img]../../../images/gforum/files/image.gif[/img] [url "../../../cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=83845"]IMG-20120407-00548.jpg[/url] (2.03 MB) I don't know what the heck MM is talking about the above post is from him recently. I doubt that Oneida is gonna suffer from a few kept walleye especially if you look at how many get stocked in there every year. And I agree about Utah, we can be A holes, well at least I am![cool] [signature]
04-18-2012, 11:28 PM
MM, yes that is a nice hen, but the walleye in Oneida have not been successful in spawning above there to any extent that they can find. Hence the F&G plants them every year. They are put and take. So it really doesn't matter, it won't hurt a spawn that isn't there, Either way it is a legal catch and harvest.
Way to go, DA! Catmaster23, I love your avatar picture!! [signature]
04-19-2012, 03:07 PM
Sounds pretty personal to me. . . bud. Do you really think an imaginary line on the ground has anything to do with the type of people who live on either side of it? I would argue that I am more of an Idahoan at heart, dump more money into the states economy, care more for it's resources, and take more trash to the garbage can there, than half of the people who have an Idaho-issued driver's license.
And more importantly: legal DOES NOT = right When there are no rules or regulations protecting walleye (which their certainly aren't), the anglers who enjoy fishing for walleye have to use their own brains to make sure they are always there to catch. You could fill up a 5 gallon bucket with males and not hurt a thing. It's pretty easy to tell the difference right now, and at times when you can't tell males and females apart, it's not quite as important. I am definately not the type of guy who likes to rough folks up over keeping fish, but when I can tell that ignorance is guiding one's actions, I'm more than happy to help educate them on how to preserve the fish that they love to catch - and still be able to enjoy them on the table as well. [signature]
04-19-2012, 03:11 PM
If you dont think they regulate the walleye in oneida res. you better take a look at the regulations again.
04-19-2012, 03:12 PM
[quote Got_Bait]I am definately not the type of guy who likes to rough folks up over keeping fish, but when I can tell that ignorance is guiding one's actions, I'm more than happy to help educate them on how to preserve the fish that they love to catch - and still be able to enjoy them on the table as well.[/quote]
Before throwing any more stones, we should all look in the mirror, please.[angelic] I know I have been guilty of offenses in the past, so don't call me a hypocrit. Like has been stated earlier, they haven't been able to establish a breeding population, so nothing has changed by keeping that fish. Even so, he has the right to do so and there is nothing ethically or morally wrong with it either, as long as it isn't wasted. [signature]
04-19-2012, 03:16 PM
My bad everybody. I just saw they stock a whole bunch in Oneida. Sorry, it's not that big of deal. Won't happen again. [pirate]
I should look at the rulebook before I open my big mouth. [crazy] Got caught up in the moment I guess. [signature]
04-19-2012, 03:52 PM
They have stocked it with walleye for 30+ years, because there is not a successful spawn in that area. I wish there was. The fish try, but not showing success so far.
Thanks for checking.. and the sorry. We need our Utah friends also. You are right. A line on a map doesn't mean much......except on the cost of your license. That is an ouch! [signature]
04-19-2012, 04:10 PM
Much appreciated.
And +1 to Catmaster. Those wallies don't have much, if anything on the smallies. Here in another month the smallies will be puking up baby walleyes. That makes the smallmouth taste even better. [:p] [signature]
04-19-2012, 07:52 PM
Lets try this again this time i'm on my computer so maybe it'll make more since.
I wasn't aiming my comment towards one or any Utah fisherman in general. You cannot tell me that surfing the Utah forums you find more bft members complaining about a fisherman keeping a fish? You hardly find it on the Idaho forums of Idaho bft members complaining about keeping fish.. Its usually a Utah fisherman coming on the Idaho forum and saying his/her 2 cents...(which i just find funny) Love it or hate it I just simply put "Gotta love you Utah fisherman". Sorry if that got to you or any other Utah fisherman the wrong way I wasn't meaning it rude or ignorant in any way, I'M SORRY. I just don't see how a person thinks they have a right to tell a fellow fisherman to keep or put back a fish if its in FACT a LEGAL fish???... Sure save the fish population I understand that but keeping A, JUST ONE fish in the spawn is really going KILL that fishery??? I doubt it.... Oneida has tons of Walleye with a 6 fish limit and keeping one NICE hen fish DURING spawn I figured was OK. I'M sorry if that gets to any one but my self I like to keep a nice size fish every now again for the table, smoker, or stove.... I figured that is after all OK when there is a season and I purchased a fishing lic..... Again sorry if I offended any one or not maybe next time ill just keep my posts, pix and comments to myself..... [signature]
04-19-2012, 10:56 PM
I'm a newbie to Walleye, so I should shut up, but - ha - like that's gonna happen. [blush]
I think part of the deal is "our" state down S. doesn't bother to stock Walleye hardly nowhere. (I don't know for certain, but I find Troutses, and Catfishes and not really mucy more stocked. The occasional Koke minis and Wiper fry, but our Walleye/Bass fisheries seem to be left to their own. Much like about ALL panfish. ) Now I might be ![]() Any clues what makes it tuff for the Walleye to get the magic to happen? Maybe more candles, some romantic music, lights . . . glitter dresses, glitter lures - yeah babye! I will say I've heard logical arguments from such as TubeDude talking up Utah Lake or Willard Walleye populations as not having much to any concern from spring hunts. But depends on the water, the conditions, the year . . .so may factors. But by the same token you have seasonal restrictions on spawning areas, and it's a delicate time for most any species. Though it also coincides with predictable times for finding and catching the very same fish. But bottom end - regs is regs. Personal choice, is - well - that. Hey - go get the lead out! [pirate]
04-20-2012, 01:39 AM
Thanks for attempting to post a picture of my 15 inch male dude! Really fits in to the discussion, lets see 8 pound female full of eggs and a 15 inch male hmmm, looks like I need to buy you a copy of the in-fisherman, or take you to fish school. You did have one sentence that I agree with in your post, I'll let you guess which one. At least you tried I guess.
Yote-I agree with everything you said, in fact it is probly one of the most logical posts on this thread. The fact that no fish get stocked below oneida is a great point. Sure wish they would!!! Cpierce- I have heard the silly myth that Walleye can't reproduce above Oneida, in the Bear or in Culter and I don't buy it for a second. First why did they have a 2 fish limit during the spawn above Oneida for 20 years, second why does cutler only allow 1 fish over 24 inches?? Seems a bit strange doesn't it? I have seen minnows myself, and seen minnows in other fish months after the spawn in places fish are not stocked. I understand the walleye do very poorly in Oneida and understand it doesn't hurt to keep a fish out of that place, I have fished it a time or 2. Got Bait-I can't believe a guy with a degree in fisheries, didn't know they had a limit in Oneida you silly goose, and to think you have fished it for over 20 years huh how weird! I bet you think these walleye can't spawn either man your crazy. And to think you studied these fish for 6 years and all these people know more than you do. Today you learned walleye don't reproduce in Oneida(which I believe stemmed from the study your buddy did on Cutler a few years back), to sustain a good population of walleye practice keeping giant females and make fun of people who keep a 15 inch male. Class dismissed! [signature]
04-20-2012, 02:39 AM
Sorry to high jack your post man!!! I will send you a pm on what I used and what else. All I was trying to do was give a REPORT on a FISHING spot... After all, I that this was a fishing forum NOT a debate forum!!!! Any who sorry for the high jack......[fishon]
04-20-2012, 04:19 AM
Hey mm the sentence you refer to I totally agree with! You want to call someone out for keeping a single fish while you do the same is, well, hipocritical at best. Do the females breed themselves? You might as well stop fishing all together for fear of actually harvesting a fish. Fish are PLANTED in Oneida by the hundreds of thousands for people to catch and God forbid keep. Why would they plant so many if they were breeding successfully? Its not like that place or the river below gets hammered. I assume you are upset because you were looking forward to breeding that fish yourself. You act like he kept the last egg filled female in the whole state! And yes I failed trying to re post your fish pic, I guess I need to spend more time on the computer and less time on the water actually catching fish worth showing. Bottom line your an idiot!
04-20-2012, 05:43 AM
Can u say clueless your kinda not quite in the loop here, so ill pretend were talking about oneida again. I guess i understand your point, ill test it out here when the catfish spawn, your saying a male and female are the same, so i guess when i go catch 20 to 30 ten to fifteen pound females cats to keep them and throw the 2 pound males back. Its gonna be hard but your so much smarter than everyone that heck i guess id be stupid not to keep females full of eggs, lets see u like to fish cutler and valley view right, cant wait!! I see how u became the catmaster with this new approach to selective harvest.
04-20-2012, 05:49 AM
Just one... Never kept 20-30, just one.....
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