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Your cool u had every right to keep it. I know u didnt keep 20. Im just wasting my time making a point with catmaster, that males and females are the same. Granted im argueing with some who called me a fish breeder and an idiot, only words an educated man would say to someone he doesnt even know right! Anyway good fish dma we already cleared things up yest. Gotta get some sleep got a big day of pounding the smallies and walleys at oneida all day tomorrow, catmaster can have my sloppy seconds on saturday.
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I don't keep any of the cats I catch by the way. I feel the same way about keeping female cats, but one fish isn't going to make or break a fishery. Your mad because you called someone out for keeping one fish and then got dogpiled on by everyone.
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Dog pile? Think your the only one trying to get on top, and your flip flop arguing to argue points and name calling just shows how smart u are, but everyone who reads your posts already knew that. I cleared things up with DMA minutes after my post, so u can put your superman cape down, and go dunk some catfish bait, or go argue with someone else because your terrible at it.
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monster dont get me wrong I would love to see a limit on the eyes below the damn also. personaly i would like to see a slot limit. say 16-23 inches and a 2 fish limit. But you know as well as i do that isnt going to happen. the reason they dont plant them in that stretch of the river from what i have been told is the cutthroat... which we all know arnt going to survive in the lower stretch. We also know that his fish was perfictly legal, and if he wanted he could go down there and catch 50 of them. It can piss you off, and you can jump his case about it but thats not going to change a thing. Now personaly i would like to see his pictures and hear his stories than see your bitching... but thats just me
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[quote Got_Bait]Sounds pretty personal to me. . . bud. Do you really think an imaginary line on the ground has anything to do with the type of people who live on either side of it? I would argue that I am more of an Idahoan at heart, dump more money into the states economy, care more for it's resources, and take more trash to the garbage can there, than half of the people who have an Idaho-issued driver's license.
And more importantly:
legal DOES NOT = right
Okay, you are my new FAVORITE hero[laugh][cool][  ]
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Im fne with the fish and the pic and the guy who caught it. I aint bitching either im making a point. Everyone is allowed an opinion. U complaining about reading my posts would be called what? Oh ya bitching, if ya dont like what i say dont read it buddy plain and simple, his picture is quite a few posts back, so just look at the pic and move on, oh i get it u wanted to get on top of catmaster on the dogpile you frisky guy! Now leave me alone im catching fish!!
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[inline popcorn.gif]
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[quote Got_Bait]Sounds pretty personal to me. . . bud. Do you really think an imaginary line on the ground has anything to do with the type of people who live on either side of it? I would argue that I am more of an Idahoan at heart, dump more money into the states economy, care more for it's resources, and take more trash to the garbage can there, than half of the people who have an Idaho-issued driver's license.
And more importantly:
legal DOES NOT = right
probly far more than half
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+1 on your last comments I prefer the pictures and stories as well. J
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thanks for making my point monster.... i basicly agreed with everything you say, but didnt like how you atacked him for it and you start calling me gay like a 7th grader... Its your kind of attitude that us Idahoans dont like. If you dont like how Idaho regulates the streams and fisheries... you can always buy that instate license. Personaly I believe Idaho does a hell of alot better job that Utah, and i believe thats why you come up here. Am i wrong?
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Us Mods have already received PM's on this thread.
I suggest y'all reel it in and start playing nice. This thread is way off topic from the original posters. Cabin fever should be over. Let's get out and fish!!!!
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Jigs, this is not directed at you,you were just the last post[laugh]
I am not defending anyone, but got to say, the first initial post/comment about the fish being full of eggs, TO ME was more an observation. Some people are passionate about how a fish is handled, a certain body of water or which fish we choose to keep although all three are legal. Just that "maybe" you can get others to see the way you see it.
I have no children so the future might not mean as much to me as you that do. But trying to help preserve something is not a bad thing. The internet is very damaging as well as helpful.
I hope in some of my comments I might get some to look at things from a different angle even if theirs is legal. To think "hmmmmm I didn't think of that". We are so competitive by nature I think. We also have that "well everyone else does it, so I am going to do it first" attitude.
I see Monsters concern for the egg filled female, I see dma_ayotte wanting to keep this toad. What is done is done however, so all we can ask is for others to try to see those different angles.
I think this post got blown out of proportion but still some good info.
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Bob, My vote would be for a lock down.
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[quote flygoddess]Jigs, this is not directed at you,you were just the last post[laugh]
I am not defending anyone, but got to say, the first initial post/comment about the fish being full of eggs, TO ME was more an observation. Some people are passionate about how a fish is handled, a certain body of water or which fish we choose to keep although all three are legal. Just that "maybe" you can get others to see the way you see it.
I have no children so the future might not mean as much to me as you that do. But trying to help preserve something is not a bad thing. The internet is very damaging as well as helpful.
I hope in some of my comments I might get some to look at things from a different angle even if theirs is legal. To think "hmmmmm I didn't think of that". We are so competitive by nature I think. We also have that "well everyone else does it, so I am going to do it first" attitude.
I see Monsters concern for the egg filled female, I see dma_ayotte wanting to keep this toad. What is done is done however, so all we can ask is for others to try to see those different angles.
I think this post got blown out of proportion but still some good info.[/quote]
I reposted this so folks can read it twice.
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U are exactly right jigs, my frustration got the best of me dont take it perosnal and by no means did i call u or would i call anyone gay man! Congrats to dma and i apologize for this thread getting out of control, i have my opinions on fishing and understand others have different takes bottom line is we all enjoy fishing and should all be on the same team i guess instead of fighting. Happy spring fishing to everyone. I wish i had a way with words like flygoddess she summed up everything perfectly and is my new hero now thanks.
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I thought I was doing pretty good, oh well, ya can't win them all. And speaking of smart, how smart is it to physically threaten someone in a PM? That stuffs against the law son, and I have proof, so you tell me who's the idiot.
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Nice looking fish, yum yum, white meat! We have been doing good on the smallies and a few walleye. The spawn seems to be pretty much done though.
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You guys oughta get a room and put on some gloves....
the spawn might be over, but the battle rages on. . .
[inline KungFuCat.JPG]
sorry - couldn't resist...IBTL