01-15-2013, 05:36 PM
yep, we got our share of the tropical rain and heat wave. 2+ inches of rain in three days. 60degrees for a couple days in a row, with only 3-4 inches top in the best of places.
ice is thin at best, tho many of the lakes stayed crusted over, that gives hopes for good ice should we get a few nipply days of sub temps.
not a good idea to venture out any time soon as there is not any good ice making weather in the forcast for the next 7 days, We may have to look to our rivers for a little crome action to tide us over, that or take the dogs out and chase a few bunnies.
ice is thin at best, tho many of the lakes stayed crusted over, that gives hopes for good ice should we get a few nipply days of sub temps.
not a good idea to venture out any time soon as there is not any good ice making weather in the forcast for the next 7 days, We may have to look to our rivers for a little crome action to tide us over, that or take the dogs out and chase a few bunnies.