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You can't beat early summer mornings at Bear Lake. Huge schools of Carp everywhere and the prettiest Carribean blue water around.
Kill that ugly fish please just please it's to ugly to be true [laugh].
I was gonna say this. PV rises a lot in the spring and that coincides with the carp spawn. The lake floods some big areas of grass pastures and willow flats all around the lake, where carp congregate and eat grass and spawn. Good numbers and visibility, I would think. I've caught em on worms when the crappie fishing was slow up in there.

What flies do carp eat? Do you use a scent? I've seen carp touch a hook with their barbels and mouth and I swear they can taste the metal and run, so I'm curious how flies work.
Yeah you could see them all chasing around my fly.
I don't really specifically target them when up there just bored during slow crappie fishing. i threw on a number 12 BH red copper john and just stripped it back just under the surface, i hooked into probably about 6 in a half hour, none were landed on my 4 wt[Wink]. Also ive never heard or seen anyone use scent on flys, you have to figure carp are still eating the same aquatic insects, bugs, minnows that trout and other game fish eat. Its all matching what they are feeding on pretty much. Stripping a fly like that can mimic a few different prey options for carp or any fish.
Yeah, I've only read about this, myself, and the articles told of people tying white midges that look like cottonwood fluff, mulberry flies, as well as midges, mosquitos, and the like.

Just wondered. I know it breaks the "spirit" of fly fishing, but it occurs to me that using sardine oil as a fly floatant might help them find it. In the same way I see guys using Berkley Gulp Minnows and claiming they are fishing plastics. [Wink][angelic]
It is Fly Fishing, no scent not taste, that is fly fishing. You want/need to bait fish then do that.
You don't need to scent flies to provoke strikes by any fish even cat fish.
I have caught carp on a yellow glow bug, Haresear, Bead Head Prince Nymph, Midnight Fire Woolly Bugger #10, and Rubber Legged wooly worm and San Juan Worm, not to mention a bunch on a hair fly called a Dog Biscuit, an Elk Hair Caddis, and fun stuff with a Gurgler.
But I only know how to Fly Fish, so these are how I catch them.

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