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Stereo Type Fishing
Any of this look familiar[Smile]

Was thinking off topic, but this is fishing, so forgive me if the wrong spot.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#804000][size 3]Thanks Goddess, that's hilarious, and yes it looks way too familiar. [/size][/#804000][/font]
Funny - had a guy today ask what a bluegill was. Showed him a pic of an 8"er from the ice-competition. He thought it looked small, then showed me a photo on his phone.

The classic - hold the fish close - look, uh, yeah - that's it.
"Broke my super thin Razor!!!!"

That was awesome.
I think the Hot Pocket part was my favorite, so random [Smile] They were pretty spot on though.
Loved it!! [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
I saw this a few days ago and was a bit disturbed that I'm like the excuses guy sometimes [Tongue]
Very entertaining.[cool]
Chumming the waters and getting ducks into a feeding frenzy is one great way to attract Pacu!
Thanks Duck Lady[Smile]
Oh geeze, I've pretty much been every single one of those guys at some point in my career. Bass fishing tends to accentuate most of them though...
They left one catagory out.

The BRAGGER you know the guy who catches the: First Biggest and Most and won't shut up the rest of the day. But if you catch the First, Biggest and Most and you don't say a thing about it. He's very quiet about it and doesn't bring it up either.
There has been time where I have been the "Be very quiet, fish can hear you" type. But that was because I was supporting a hang over....LOL
How about the guy who loses a 5 lbr right before weigh in? Fisher folks are a funny bunch.
I try not to drink before a day of fishing. Something about being out in the elements just makes it that much worse. I don't always listen to my own advice though [Wink]
I play in a band in local bars and clubs and use to do this every weekend. Had to do sociables.[Smile] Many a times getting home at 3 a.m. then on the river at 6 a.m.
Awww to be young.
Yeah, I remember those days. Now a big wild night is having a whole six pack and getting to bed by midnight [Smile]
Midnight?! Try 9! [laugh]
I hear you. It's Friday night and the thought of going to bed soon sounds rather inviting [laugh]
"Big bait catches big fish" Love it.

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