12-27-2006, 08:31 PM
Hey, for those of you that have Toons, or any of you guys that use Fish Cat 4's or Super Fat Cat style tubes, how and what do you use to fix your pinhole leaks? How long do you let the patch "cure" before you reuse the tube? I have two so I can use my other "ride" but I love the FC4 and would like to use it possibly as soon as next week (TH,FR). I have a tube of Aquaseal in the fridge and have some duct tape but haven't applied a McGyver fix to the problem area yet. I fished Blue Lake on Saturday and had to stop a couple times to give my tube mouth to mouth to retain flotation. I'd much rather fish worry free if I go out again this next week. I did see the last post on flotation however and feel that the foam may be enough to float me, but I would rather not take that chance if it can be avoided. []