1. Perch (sheer NUMBERS and ease of aquiring)
2. Walleye (same as perch, just not as many-BIGGER)
3. BIG Ol' BULL BULLGILL [fishin]
4. Crappie
5. Rock Bass * (the ones with the red eyes -Nebraska)
6. Drum (freshwater- Nebraska)
7. Catfish (SMALL ones! Under 3#)
8. Paddle fish (Kansas/Missouri)
9. Any kind of Bass (White,Wiper, Striper, Large, Small)
10.Carp (from CLEAR,COLD water - not bad!)
* Not true bass?
Trout didn't even make the top 10 (or the top 20 for that matter) Trout are to survive on when LOST in the mountains...LOL...gunna takes some "hits" for that!
That was actually kinda TUFF TO DO!! Never thought of "such things" lately...the good fish to eat in Utah are the top 4 of my list, except for the cats, and I don't eat them here after getting them in KS. Never have much cared for trout, except when my Grandpa use to use them for bait for catfish in Nebraska...still not sure if it was illegal or not, but that was 40+ yrs ago and he's dead...so...not giving away any "secrets" or nothing....
That was a SUPERB question to ask ... THANK YOU for making me "THINK" for a minute in this busy day.