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Full Version: Where I am in Utah Challenge
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That is an easy one, suprised no one has responded. I will give someone else a chance at it first.
currant creek
Bump????? Has this site died?
Fish lake?
Electric lake looking west up fairview!!!
That is Scofield looking west across the lake. I had already identified it in a PM to Out4aFloat and he concurred that I was correct. I left it on here to allow others to have a guess first. I don't have a picture handy, so will someone please post a picture for me?
Well I was way off but I think I will post one up if no one else is going to.
hes got a tiger by the tail at scofield HaHa we'll be there for the fireworks in two weeks.

My best guess would be Powell based simply on the rocks, but this may be a tough one.
Calf Creek Falls over by Escalante
close enough but it is the upper falls above the popular more visited lower falls. Your turn[Wink]
What's happening to this thread???? [frown] I would have thought it would be a goer, at least surpass the Id. equivalent.
Since no one has posted in a while and in interest to get things going I'll post this. I certainly would think others had better. I've got one more, much more difficult that I can use and then I'm tapped. There's got to be much better ones out there!!!!! [:/]

[inline "Guess 4.jpg"]
I'd guess Willard Bay
looks a lot like Gooseberry
ees Utah lake?