I know where it is but won't say (PBH would get mad[mad]!) But, you guys are looking a bit too far south!
Only Creek I know a bit further north is Ash ( Broswe) Creek but you're going to have to show me a pic of a cutt caught there for me to believe there's ever fish in there. If the pic is from July maybe it's from the Cedar City area- how about Coal Creek.
Not ash creek or coal creek....
[quote bassassinator]leeds creek by red cliffs?[/quote]
[quote riverdog]Looks more like Quail Creek in Red Cliffs but I don't think any cutts are in the area that looks like this. So how about South Ash Creek.[/quote]
Nope, not South Ash Creek either. But, Leeds Creek (which flows through Silver Reef -- then combines with Quail Creek -- which comes out of Red Cliffs) is full of cutts. They are probably the lowest elevation population of cutthroat in the state.
[quote riverdog]Only Creek I know a bit further north is Ash ( Broswe) Creek but you're going to have to show me a pic of a cutt caught there for me to believe there's ever fish in there.[/quote]
Unfortunately, I think the fires we had a couple years ago wiped out the healthy cutthroat population here. But, I would expect it won't be too long before we see them back. The stream should be getting close to "scouring" out all the silt damage, and should be about ready for a reintroduction project. The pic is not from there.
[quote riverdog] If the pic is from July maybe it's from the Cedar City area- how about Coal Creek.[/quote]
Coal Creek? Nope. Sorry. And, it's not Right-hand either.
You guys keep guessing. You're getting warmer......
I'm thinking maybe this was too hard?
How about another hint?
Iron County. Starts with a "K".
Probably what it shows more than anything is that we need more active members who live and/or fish in your neck of the woods.
[indent]I dont even have a guess.
[quote bassassinator]I'LL TAKE A STAB .... KOLOB?[/quote]
Sorry. It's not Kolob. You are getting closer....
Could it be Kanarra Creek?
Ok my guess is Kanarra Creek
[quote HaggardW]Could it be Kanarra Creek?[/quote]
We have a winner!!
The photos are from Kanarraville Creek near the Kanarraville Falls. It's a pretty cool hike.
Haggard -- you're up.
Coolness, I am taking the yahoos there this spring, should be fun...
OK... think ducks n catfish, my favorite combination...
Just a guess but Farmigton bay.
Nope, but a fun spot [

Wow, thought this would have been gone by now.
Think "North" [

Hmmm technically no... but again... yes, perhaps you could be slightly more specific [

Cutler Reservoir?
Sorry dude I dont know many specifics on the bear but I would guess its a slough near Tremonton