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Full Version: Where I am in Utah Challenge
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Nope try again
Virgin River.
Nope try again
Dirty Devil
the Green
[quote PBH]Dirty Devil[/quote]

[quote wyoguy] the Green[/quote]

Hmm I didn't think it would be that hard. Here is another pic of it.
maybe a hint would be in order?

San Juan?

Bear River?
You hit it on your first one. It is the Colorado. Now do you know where on the colorado it is?[Wink]
[quote albinotrout]You hit it on your first one. It is the Colorado. Now do you know where on the colorado it is?[Wink][/quote]

somewhere below Dead Horse Point?
Nope way higher than that. Since you got the river it is your turn any way. The location is west water just this side of the Colorado border. There is a boat launch there and BLM campsites.
I sifted through a bunch of photos. I had a hard time deciding what photo to post. Some photos, I just plain don't want people to know where they are!! Others just didn't have good quality. Some would simply be too difficult for anyone outside of my own brothers to guess.

I decided on this picture. It is of a place that I really love. I've been visiting this particular stream / lake since I was a little kid, and return almost every year. It's a beautiful place.
It is a beautiful place. However I am lost to the location at this time.
Somewhere in the Uintas???

ummmm Wall Lake??

Shingle Creek??
Looks like a pretty tough spot to identify.
OK -- I'm affraid there just aren't any real identifying features for the majority. So, I'll add a few hint pictures:

Hint #1: view "up the hill"
[inline IMG_0895_compressed.jpg]

Hint #2: view to the west
[inline IMG_0890_compressed.jpg]

hope this helps.