I'm not a skier, but anyone who skis should know the name of it.
Secret Lake!
Whomever wants to take over have at it!!
[quote TyeDyeTwins]
Secret Lake!
Or would that be Cecret Lake? Quoting from "Fishing the Wasatch" regarding Cecret Lake, "Lake is full of Tiger Salamanders and is not deep enough or suitable for fish."
Ok, here are two pictures of the same body of water. What is it called?
I know but I'm not telling[

], looks like you fished farther away from the dam than we did.
Yep, there were already some folks set up closer to the dam when we arrived. I drilled two holes and never moved until we left at the end of the day.
Have no idea.
That is not correct, but try again.[


] ok I have an idea but I don't think I will give it away at this time.
Nope, further east and further north
I guess I killed this thread.[frown]
Naw those that goes are probably out fishin'[

Cold and frozen Little Creek Res.
Ok, where is this picture from?
I know that place but I'll give someone else a chance. I haven't seen it spilling like that in a while, was that pic from this year?
[quote wiperhunter2]I know that place but I'll give someone else a chance. I haven't seen it spilling like that in a while, was that pic from this year?[/quote]
Yes sir
OK, I was thinking it had been several years since I saw it spilling like that. It's looks like most of the upper lakes are filling this year[cool].
Oh yea....love that place.
What the heck, I'll spill the beans on the place! You're standing on the northern side of Woodruff reservoir dam!
I'm wondering if there are any fish in that scour hole. In years past there has been a few good ones pulled from it.
I'm going to have to head back over one of these next few nights and see if I can wrangle a few more out of there. And unless I'm pinched for time, I almost always hit Birch creek at the same time just to give em both a fair shake.
Someone posted last year that the pool was drying up and there were a bunch of 4-5 lb fish in there.
It's always worth a look.