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alright here's a question. I have heard of people using WD-40 on their lures and hooks?? they say it attracts fish. is this even legal? does it really work? ive never done if before and ive heard its legal cause they said it's not oil based our something and others say it's illegal.. what are your guys thoughts and information on this,?[fishon]
One of the major ingredients is cod liver oil, hence the fishy appeal, or so is have been told. That being said, I have never used it, although I am starting to spray my braids with it to keep them from freezing while ice fishing.
I called the dwr a few years ago and they said there was no law against it . I used to use it a lot but have since switched to Mikes crawfish scent.
My pop swore by WD, I'm a smelly jelly man.
I'd challenge you to open the Fishing Gide Book and find where it says it isn't legal for general use. It would not be legal in artificial only waters. It's a petrolium product so I question if it is a good idea to add it to our waterways.

The ingredients are as follows: (No fish oil, sorry)
[indent]Aliphatic Hydrocarbon
Petroleum Base Oil
LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon
Carbon Dioxide
For what it's worth, I've fished next to others using it, who swear by it, and I slaughtered them every time using either nothing or commercially made fish attractants.
[quote Duckbutter]One of the major ingredients is cod liver oil, hence the fishy appeal, or so is have been told. That being said, I have never used it, although I am starting to spray my braids with it to keep them from freezing while ice fishing.[/quote]

Cod Liver oil? WD40= Water Displacement and 40 tries to get it.
This is straight off the WD40 site:
What a Fish story!
Myth: WD-40 contains fish oil.
Consumers have told us over the years that they have caught some of the biggest fish ever after protecting their fish hooks and lures with WD-40. We believe this legend came from folks assuming that the product must contain fish oil since it appears to attract fish. Sorry Charlie®, it just ain’t so.

WD-40 Company has taken steps to respect and conserve the environment, and encourages its users to do the same. While WD-40 can be used to help protect fishing equipment from rust and corrosion, WD-40 Company does not recommend using WD-40 to attract fish.

It is Petroleum based...IT POLLUTES !
I think you are thinking of Preparation H. The only drawback from it's use is that you tend to hook alot of fish in the butt.
My uncle told me a story about preparation H. He was fishing for trout, and another guy was smearing preparation H onto some powerbait and was outfishing everybody...

We were joking about how that person came to find out preparation H works as a fish attractant. The only scenario we could think of was the guy was fishing, and had to make a quick run behind a bush to apply some PH, then he didn't wash his hands and baited up a hook and started catching fish like mad, LOL.
what are you tryin to get at d?
Good quote there. Dispells water and rumors.
A regurgitated topic this one. As pointed out - it's petroleum based so no better for the water/environment that the gas or oil that spills out of an old 2 stroke.

But - also pointed out is there's SO many suitable fish attractants on the market, why use oil?

I've never tried it on purpose, though I have used lots of flavors. One garlic scent is in some pretty solvent solution. (acetone?) - makes my shrimp glow yellow, and the kitties just love it.
Also why 2 strokes are going to be banned at some waters.
99 percent of all boat motors exhaust is discharged into the water , even 4 strokes . Carbon monoxide kills people every year . So are they going to out law all boat motors .
Talking petroleum here, but look hard enough.....
Go with inboard [Wink]
Gas is petroleum based , it is made from oil . If you think a four stroke burns 100 percent your wrong at best 80 percent .
Yes get an inboard for your fishing boat[Wink] Maybe a blown big block chevy with zoomy headers!! They don't exhaust in the water! Trolling plate required?
Seriously gents, we were talking about WD40. Smoking can kill, but the cigarette butts effects long after the smoker is gone thing here.
Give me a little credit, I can read too[Smile]
That brings up another topic that bothers me . How many smokers put there buts in the water ? I bet you could tie a fly that looks like one .
[quote curt69]Gas is petroleum based , it is made from oil . If you think a four stroke burns 100 percent your wrong at best 80 percent .[/quote]

No mistake here, I just said 2 stroke is banned in certain waters, which they are. Ma
I fish lakes in a 18' inboard , outboard . 4.3 chevy motor . I fish rivers in a 17.5' 2 stoke jet outboard . The places that are out lawing 2 strokes are very heavily populated . Thus way more polution .
I too picked that WD 40 trick up from an older fisherman and there have been a few days when it has made all the difference, HOWEVER after doing my own personal studies there have been days when in side by side comparison with an identical presentation it didn't get a single bit and the other line caught all the fish. I only ever use it now as an absolute ultimate last resort. It usually hurts more than it helps. As far as pollution goes, I always leave my fishing spots better than I found them. The minute amount of WD 40 I use is negligible in vast cubic acres of water of a reservoir.
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