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Fishing Gear, Gadgets, Techinques, Tactics &Tips

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  1. Hybrid Bass (0 Replies)
  2. Scents for ice fishing (0 Replies)
  3. anybody ever use a coleman blackcat or similar heater? (0 Replies)
  4. In-Fisherman article on electrical fields (0 Replies)
  5. GPS (0 Replies)
  6. Fillet Boards (0 Replies)
  7. cajun red lightning (0 Replies)
  8. Glitter Painting (0 Replies)
  9. Cast net question (KENT) (0 Replies)
  10. Best way to store spinnerbaits (0 Replies)
  11. Whats your favorite fishing line... (0 Replies)
  12. Dipsy Divers (0 Replies)
  13. What' a "What-A-Cricket"? (0 Replies)
  14. Heaters for ice fishing (0 Replies)
  15. Braided lines for ice fishing? (0 Replies)
  16. My X98 Conversion for the Ice (0 Replies)
  17. Hot Colors Under Ice (0 Replies)
  18. Looking for a new fish finder (0 Replies)
  19. Ice Fishing Question: Poll Size? (0 Replies)
  20. Reel Maintenance (0 Replies)
  21. Basic fishing concepts. (0 Replies)
  22. Snowmobile Upgrade (0 Replies)
  23. Electric Fillet Knife Replacement Blades (0 Replies)
  24. Ice Saw (0 Replies)
  25. Inquiring minds want to know (0 Replies)
  26. Micro Baitcasters for Panfish (0 Replies)
  27. ProTroll StingKing EChip (0 Replies)
  28. Humminbird Matrix Fish Finders (0 Replies)
  29. Handy & Cheap Mesh Bag (0 Replies)
  30. Steel line trolling rigs (0 Replies)
  31. Licensing my Pontoon (0 Replies)
  32. Drift Sock Questions (0 Replies)
  33. Proper Equipment for musky? (0 Replies)
  34. Release em Right (0 Replies)
  35. Planer Board Basics (0 Replies)
  36. Fishing Log Books (0 Replies)
  37. How much line to let out behind a downrigger? (0 Replies)
  38. Downrigger Question??? (0 Replies)
  39. Leaded trolling line question (0 Replies)
  40. New Steel Leader Material (0 Replies)
  41. My muskie landing platform design (custom for pontoons) (0 Replies)
  42. Ice auger sharpening service (0 Replies)
  43. Bobber rig - by request (0 Replies)
  44. Ice Fishing Techniques (0 Replies)
  45. Where can I get my auger blades sharpened? (0 Replies)
  46. Lip Grips (0 Replies)
  47. S. Fork of Ogden River (0 Replies)
  48. Kokanee jigger (0 Replies)
  49. Understanding your LCR (0 Replies)
  50. Fishfinder Battery Life - How long? (0 Replies)
  51. Need feedback. Fish/Depth Finder that also will show your jig (0 Replies)
  52. Downrigger question??? (0 Replies)
  53. Trolling with Lead core lines ??????? (0 Replies)
  54. what is really necessary for a trolling rig? (0 Replies)
  55. Wiper Line (0 Replies)
  56. Rod Holder Recommendations (0 Replies)
  57. collecting nightcrawlers (0 Replies)
  58. question about vacuume sealers (0 Replies)
  59. Downrigger Rods (0 Replies)
  60. Mealworm Ranching (0 Replies)
  61. LOWRANCE X67C VS. VEXILAR FL18 (0 Replies)
  62. Walleye tatics (0 Replies)
  63. Fishfinder help: Garmin 250 (0 Replies)
  64. Keeping the snowmobile cool (0 Replies)
  65. Anchoring an Ice Tent. (0 Replies)
  66. Sturgeon Tips (0 Replies)
  67. Drop Shot Ice Flies (0 Replies)
  68. Filleting Trout (0 Replies)
  69. jiggin vs trolling. (0 Replies)
  70. Any tips on catching, freezing, and using minnows? (0 Replies)
  71. WHEEL WEIGHTS? SHEESH! (0 Replies)
  72. smellies, jellies, rubs, sprays (0 Replies)
  73. Strike indicators? (0 Replies)
  74. Roe as bait?? (0 Replies)
  75. Pro-Cure bait scents (0 Replies)
  76. drop shoting lake trout. (0 Replies)
  77. "WAXING" The Ice Sled (0 Replies)
  78. Downrigger cannonballs (0 Replies)
  79. Planer board suggestions (0 Replies)
  80. McGuyver's PVC ice rod holders (0 Replies)
  81. New Fire Tiger Jigs. (0 Replies)
  82. Knife Sharpening Question ??? (0 Replies)
  83. Homemade Lures (0 Replies)
  84. Fish coloring pens (0 Replies)
  85. Real Magic (0 Replies)
  86. Mitchell 7730 ?????? (0 Replies)
  87. Baitcasters? (0 Replies)
  88. daiwa 150h baitcaster? (0 Replies)
  89. Knot to join 2 different lines (0 Replies)
  90. Lowrance LVR-850 DSC VHF Radio (0 Replies)
  91. What kind of line do you like? (0 Replies)
  92. First time marine radio user. Need advice? (0 Replies)
  93. Downrigger weight? ball, fish, or pancake????? (0 Replies)
  94. Help Trailor hook knot tieing (0 Replies)
  95. Downrigger release or rubber band??? (0 Replies)
  96. Boat trailer guide suggestions (0 Replies)
  97. ogden special (0 Replies)
  98. Shimono Crucial? (0 Replies)
  99. Trolling/ downrigging question (0 Replies)
  100. Koke Notes (0 Replies)
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