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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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I will take a stab in the dark. Payette Lake?
Not Payette Lake...
stanley lake[fishin]
Warm Lake?
alturis lake[fishin]
Yes it is Warm Lake... a very pretty lake for sure.
cpierce got it.[Smile]
Here we go:

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NF Payette?
No, Not Payette. It is in the east half of Idaho.
warm river near the old fish hatchery and the way cool springs
northfork of the snake[fishin]
No, not Warm River
Sorry, I didn't see your answer, but no not the any arm of the Snake River.
not pebble creek is it?
No, it isn't Pebble Creek.

It is in Eastern Idaho and it does run in to the Snake River.
it kind of looks like willow creek.
No, not Willow Creek.
blkft river
You're right! It is the Blackfoot River in the narrows section.
I'm tired of waiting for this to get going again so I'm cutting in.