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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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That water is a rare shade of blue ... assuming the photo color is accurate. I'm going to guess somewhere around Thousand Springs or Niagra Springs.
Billingsly ?[fishin]
My second guess is Box Canyon
not ones has guessed right yet. but you are correct in assuming it is a spring fed creek and yes the color is right
Some one sneaked in and is fishing next to Blue Lakes Golf Course.[Wink]
if you ask they'll usually let you but no down river a bit from there. it is a tributary of the snake river
that one place over there by that one town with those one fish in there...
Sand Creek?
Box Canyon
a bit downstream from box canyon. another hint its below lower salmon falls dam
Malad river
got it ron.
Here we go. Ron
Dierke Lake?
Derkies it is cpierce your up. Ron
Missed it by that much
Ok, here goes one from this summer.

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No, not Cascade. East side of the state.