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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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That looks like a pretty good sized fish. I didn't realize that Buffalo had them in that size![shocked]
It was 18 inches, but I've seen some absolute monsters swiming around by the dam, but I could never get them to eat anything. For the most part I've only caught little brookies and the occasional small rainbow.
No fish in this one, but the image is really good. I doubt it will take too long to get though.
Snake above American Falls?
nope, try again.
Salmon around Challis
Not the Salmon
Not the Bear
the snake down be shelly?
Nope, try again
Possibly a clue? Is it the Snake River somewhere in Idaho?
It is somewhere on the Snake in Idaho. Narrow it down a little bit to a general area now.
By Burley
No where near Burley
Since the sun is setting across the river from you I would say it is where the Snake runs from North to South. Probably somewhere between Roberts and Blackfoot. I'll guees just north of Idaho Falls.
Getting closer, but not quite there yet.
Henry's fork below Ashton hill. Technically part of the Snake.
Technically you're right. It is the Henry's Fork. The specs on it is off though. It's just down from the vernon/fritz bridge. I'm surprised how difficult that one seemed to be! Anyway, you're up magdaddy
OK Let's see if I can figure this out. If I do manage to get the picture up it won't take you guys long to get it.