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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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nope keep trying....
well shucks [frown]
Ok, I guess I'll take a stab at it - pop up blind?

oops wrong picture! [shocked]

OK, how about Swan Falls?
looks like your up..and i made it easy for you[fishin]
This will be real easy. Our first trip with with the new outfit last weekend.
crane falls
Your up Michael [fishin]
This might be a little tough so if it's needed I will give hints.[inline "GEDC0208 (Small).JPG"]
I'll have to go with Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir.
Not Salmon or Magic you have to think out of the "box", exploring new areas.
Dog Creek Res
Thorn creek?
Not Dog Creek or Thorn Creek but you're looking and thats cool.
Irving Reservoir?
Bray lake! Did you catch anything there? Ron
Yes it is Bray Lake and no I did not catch anything. you ar up Ron. How do you like the wind?
Jerome had 50 MPH wind and Buhl has had over 30 for about a week. I am sick of it!!!! Ron
This might show how old a guy is. If no one can guess this I will post another picture from the other way. Ron
never seen it for real but the sky line made me think of Sligars on the snake