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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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Upper Brownlee?
You're getting real close. I'm not playing hard ball, this is a well known place (relatively). [Smile] Think of "birds of prey". [Smile]
Just a guess, Swan Falls?
You got it Bud, Actually it was about 5 mi. down stream past the end of the road about 1/2 mi. Plenty close enough though.[Smile][Smile][Smile][Wink] You're up.
Here ya go.

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Salmon Falls Creek.
So do we need some hints since no ones guessing except Bassinbob
I'm gonna take a wild guess and go for Anderson Ranch, Only been there once myself but that place looks slightly familiar
to far north
no not ririe

South of Burley
Lower Goose Creek Reservoir
we have a winner
Here's an easy one of my son.
that lake lowell?
Nope not Lake Lowell
Looks like CJ to me.
You got it. CJ it is.
Avery with his limit of Koks for the smoker. This was 2 days ago so if you know where they are running you should be able to guess the location.