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Not Mackay, 24 Mile, or Oxford, but it is in the Southeast region.
is it condie?
No, not Condi.
Not Ririe. It is in the southeast region. So far Devils and Condi are the closest.
No, not Lamont. West of there.
Ha ha im going to go get out my map [:p]

[Image: mylastwildguess.jpg]
I guess Deep creek.
Drowning Flys, you are correct. It is Weston Reservoir.

You're up!
wooo hoo [cool]

OK here goes, taking a break after a hot day of bass fishing

[Image: bluewatertrip034.jpg]

[Image: bluewatertrip035.jpg]
[fishin]thousand springs
Blue heart springs. Ron
I need some new spots ha ha your up ron
is that the little inlet just down stream from box canyon?
Im not sure exactly where box canyon is. but here is an areal view with gps coordinates. Its about 4 miles upstream from slaggers hot springs

[Image: blueheart.jpg]
I didn't even get to guess. Ron was quicker!
That is about as pretty a picture of Blue Heart as I have seen. Most pictures don't show the depth and water color. Thanks for sharing it.
Here is a picture of my son Jacob. This is also on the snake river but this place has a name. What is it? Ron

[Image: Jacob01.jpg]
Thanks and your very welcome

ron is that just above the slide area at bliss ?