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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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you got it belasko.
try this one
North Fork of the Snake , around St.Anthony ?
Looks like just below the Mackay Res the little big lost i think its called.
Warm River
definantly looks like the teton river.
i was going to guesse below mackey also.
beautyfish3 got it first. Teton River it is
I told him to guess Teton [bobhappy][bobhappy][bobhappy][bobhappy][Tongue]
here you go[fishin]
Dent Bridge on Dworshak ???
your up...
How about this one guys!?!

[inline 6120_1208039600698_1219932184_576866_2177343_n.jpg]
Oxbow bridge
exactly right your up!!!
Here we go.

[inline "PICT1941 Standard e-mail view.jpg"]
Kinda looks like Chesterfield
No, not Chesterfield.
the lake by cambridge.