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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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No, not near Cambridge.
Where is Cambridge?
Devils creek or whatever that is going up over Malad pass?
Yes, it is Devil's. I just cropped off all of the semi-permanent campers to make it a bit harder.

You're up!
Bumping you Dma_ayotte. Or are you outta pics[Wink]
Ok, I will post another one.
Try this:

[inline "PICT1926 Standard e-mail view.jpg"]
OK I'll give it a go - Treasureton Reservoir?
Deep Creek Res.?
Deep Creek is correct.
You are up Leaky
Oh my gosh, give me some time! Got tp find something,
Ok, I think I've found something. If I've posted this before, forgive me, I'm old and can fin another. [Smile] Also have another[inline "guess 2.jpg"] pic. that might be more informative of the same area but let's do hard first.
Below Swan Falls, 1/2 mile past the end of the road [Wink]
You posted that one already. Stick another one up!
How about this one? All the rest of mine are fish pics, [frown] If this is a duplicate then someone else needs to go. [:/]
Points to the fact I need to take pic/s of surrounding areas instead of just fishies. My wife keeps telling me that!!!!
[inline "guess 3.jpg"]
Devil's Creek?
You got it, you're go. [Smile]
Dang! I am really limited on what pictures I have on my computer right now. But we will go with this one:

[inline "PICT1900 Standard e-mail view.jpg"]
I would have to guess Hawkins?
You are right, Prvrt. It is Hawkins.
Your turn.
Here you go.
Snake River? [Smile]