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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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[Smile][Smile][Smile] Chester Backwater it is! It was getting narrowed down pretty tight there. You're up Liketofish
Whew, I didn't think anybody was ever going to get that one.
Here you go, shouldn't be too hard...[inline rainbow.bmp]
Um, Snake River below PaliSades Dam.
See, I told you it wasn't going to take very long!
You're up prvrt
Here ya go.
[inline guess.jpg]
The tree to the left has me second guessing this but i will throw it out there anyway. Stanley Lake?
Sawtooth Lake?
Nope. Your guys are almost in the right part of the state. [Wink]
Let's move east - Boulder Lakes?
Getting closer.

I am headed to Henry's for the weekend and won't be back until Sunday so there won't be any replies from until then. Good luck.
Ok somewhere in the middle of the state![Wink] Sorry couldn't resist.[:p]
You are pretty close, but no one has it yet.
One of the smaller lakes in Copper Basin?
Now we are getting some where. Need a name tho.
big lake?
Nope, but much closer.
All right, Long lake then.
You got it. Post away.
Cool, How'd you do there? Ive heard good things but we didn't make it that far.

Anyway here it is...
[inline "mystery Lake.jpg"]