Yes, guess one first and correctly, then your up.
Rules is rules, but don't worry, once someone gets it correct from the East side it will be tough to bring it back West.
Considering I have only yet to fish the West side of Idaho and I am out numbered by many foriegners. hahaha[blush]
Thanks EZOP for getting this going. I will leave it up until it looses steam.
First clue.
The people along the concrete wall are Steelhead fishing. Poze is not standing in Idaho, but the background is in Idaho.
[inline bftphoto.jpg]
Just below Brownlee Dam.
[quote iwantabuggy]Just below Brownlee Dam.[/quote]
Close, but not Brownlee.
oxbow reservoir?
[quote basskikker]oxbow reservoir?[/quote]
Even closer yet, but wrong.
I knew it wasn't Brownlee, I don't know what I was thinking the other day. It is Hell's Canyon Dam. I knew that, I just didn't say it and I don't know why. Duh........[:p]
Oxbow Res?
Sorry I see that oxbow has already been chosen.
[quote iwantabuggy]I knew it wasn't Brownlee, I don't know what I was thinking the other day. It is Hell's Canyon Dam. I knew that, I just didn't say it and I don't know why. Duh........[:p][/quote]
Correct your up.
For anybody who has never been down there, you must check it out, it's amazing.

] OK, so I got on there out of turn, but nobody is I post my picture now and keep this thing going?[pirate]
You have to wait until you can identify one of the pictures first. We will wait a little while for idwannabuggy to post a pic. I think the rules say that we have to wait for two days. So I think he has one more day. If he does not post then go ahead.
The time is up for the other photo that was guessed correctly.
First photo up can go.
This one should be pretty easy, so try to guess the exact hole if you can.
What do you mean time is up? Give a guy a chance.
Salmon River?
I hope someone else knows, because the only river I've fished in Idaho is the Payette and it don't have no salmon.[blush]
that looks like hells canyon too
Correct. Your up. Anyone want to guess what stretch?
Hey Sportfishinsteve, you seem like you want a turn, i'll give this one to you. you got two days to post [cool].