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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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Crystal Springs Pond ? Curt G .
You got it. Your turn.
Here we go . I am running out of pictures . Curt G.
IP Res?
Nope not IP
You got It . Your up . Curt G.
Here is an easy one.
Since no one else is trying, I'll take a guess. Twin Lakes.
Not Twin Lakes. Try again.
This place is known for big Rainbows.
Oneida Damn???
Nope, to far south.
AF RES. I can't post pics so some one else go! If im right
[quote teepindian]AF RES. I can't post pics so some one else go! If im right[/quote]

You got it.
I guess I will post another since no one else has for a few days.

SE Idaho some where...

[inline 0521092128a.jpg]
Twin Lakes ?
Close, but not right. Try again.
Condie ?