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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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Looks like something that will drain into the MF of the Salmon - How about Bear Valley Creek?
winner-winner your up rod
Good Luck [fishon]
I am looking up north again....but not going to even guess gone elk hunting with the guys[fishin][cool][cool][cool]
Yep it's up north. It is probably ID's newest lake (1996) if that helps.

Good luck on the hunting!
I will get the ball rolling here with a guess of Dworshak???
Nope, farther north. [Smile]
deer creek res by pierce
Nope not deer creek.
Oh so close but nope. Keep in mind it's a newer lake [fishon]
Round Lake?????????????
I am totally clueless about what is a "new" lake in that area, so that doesn't help me at all.

Hidden Lake?
Nope and nope. Most maps haven't been updated with it yet so it may take a internet search to find it. It was created during the flood of 1996. It does show up on google earth but doesn't show the name. Good luck [Smile]
Hepton Lake
It is Hepton Lake - good job. The lake is turning into quite the fishery. We managed bullheads, pike, lmb and giant black crappie on that day.
Definitely one you need the inside scoop on to know to fish it. It doesn't even show up in the Idaho Fish and Game listings. Where did you launch your boat?