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Full Version: Idaho Photo Game
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looks like ryder park but in not for sure!
Sorry for the slow reply. Crazy weekend at work. Your right though! Ryder Pond it is!
I will let someone else throw one up here, i need to upload some more pictures!
Its been a while so heres a pic!
I got no clue anyone else? Ron
I will give ya a clue. Idaho falls area!
I don't know that area at all. Is it the ponds next to the highway? Ron
It is next to the highway, Since your the only one guessing and its been a while, Its Roberts pond.
I guess I will post up a pic. Ron

[Image: 6-15-12B.jpg]
Snake River below Bell rapids.
A little farther up stream but close enough your up. I don't think anyone is wanting to do this any more. Ron
Yeah, I think it's lost it's steam. I'll just let it ride and see if anyone else wants to pick it back up.

I am so sorry to hear that. I didn't know that had happened. I remember seeing posts with her in them.
I just celebrated my 27 anniversary last Saturday. I don't know what I would do without her. I don't know when yours fell through but I am truly sorry. Ron
Sorry to hear that also. I always did enjoy the photos
Sorry I just read this today, my prayers are with you.
I'm sorry to hear that also.
Life is full of twists, turns, eddies and riptides the only thing you can do is keep swimming.
Sharpen your hooks there really are plenty of fish in the sea.

At 95 pages this post was a heck of an idea.